Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Akshardham Temple

Wenesday, I hit a number of  tourist sites, one of the most impressive was the Akshardham Temple.  It is a Hindu temple built by the Swaminarayan sect of Hinduism.

The below picture was one I took from the road leading to it.  Notice the white specks right in front of the temple... those are people walking up the stairs.  The place was huge.

They do not allow cameras inside, so I have posted a few pics I found on the internet to show a bit more.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Qutub Minar

So my day today started out taking the infamous "autorickshaw" to the Qutub Minar.  Auto Rickshaws are a primary way of travel for the Delhi'ite that doesn't wish to take the crowded buses or subway.  They are a quick a cheap way to get around, and cost around 7 rupees per km, although some drivers impose a minimum 30 rupees.  If you want to get a feel for what it is like to travel on one of these things, imagine putting a bench seat on the back of a gocart, then let someone drive you through jam packed traffic plagued with  huge buses, wandering cows, people running across the streets, and cars coming within inches of each other.  Needless to say, it is an interesting experience.

The Qutub Minar " the world's tallest brick minaret with a height of 72.5 meters (237.8 ft)."  It is part of the Qutub complex, which is an ancient islamic site containing a mosque, madrasa, and other structures.  This was my first real "sight seeing" event... and it was extremely interesting.  By this time, I had been in Delhi for three days... I had not seen a single Caucasian until I visited this place... it was full of many different types of people, from muslims (you can tell from their hats), to orthodox hindus, and the more modern Indian.

Upon entering the Qutub complex, a gate (pictured at left) greets the visitors.

To the right of the gate is a VERY old small mosque.  I forget how old it was said to be...  There were people actively praying inside.

Here I am in front of the Qutub Minar.

If you want to read up on the Qutub Minar Complex: Qutub Minar Complex

And here are the rest of the pictures from the Qutub Minar complex.